Tile Garden

While I have made a lot of tiles, tile commissions are another level of stress and commitment entirely. The fixed dimensions of a room and the changing nature of clay through its making and firing process require a mastery of the materials and process that can feel a bit daunting So when a friend and …

Porcelain Tumblers

I love throwing demos because I think others find watching them soothing, but they can get a bit boring for me. For this group of videos I included a decorating demo rather that trimming the pots which makes for more interest for me and hopefully something new for you. here they are after decorating and …

Mold Making with April Cannon

Over the past year I have been preparing for a new chapter in my life as an artist/maker. The new project, driven largely by a need to get back into the studio full time, is an unapologetically commercial venture. Interfacing with the growing movement of legalization of weed in the US I am launching a …

Maps of Grayson Perry

Grayson Perry, born in 1960, and winner of the Turner Prize in 2003, is one of the best known and influential artists living today. Primarily known for his ceramic jars and his self-identification as a transvestite, his work over the last few years has branched widely to include television series, tapestries and maps. I chose …

The Artist’s Project from the Metropolitan Museum of Art

For the past couple weeks I have watched a web series titled The Artists Project. This series, put together by the Metropolitan Museum of Art is in its fourth season and continues to offer a fresh perspective on looking at art. Each of the short episodes features a contemporary artist looking at their favorite work in The …

Workshop with Beth Cavener

This January 2015 FHSU hosted a workshop with Beth Cavener, an artist that I have had a serious art crush on since first seeing her work years ago. That piece, titles A Rush of Blood to the Head is still tremendously influential to my work and aspiration as an artist.  It can be viewed here: http://www.followtheblackrabbit.com/gallery/a-rush-of-blood-to-the-head-2/ …

Glaze Development in Ancient China

The worlds first stoneware glazes were developed during the Shang Dynasty in China (1,600 – 1,100 bce).  This is an astounding feat when considering that stoneware was not achieved in Korea and Japan for another 2,000 years and in the West for another 3,000 years. One theory for the early development of stoneware temperatures in …