International Top 10: Keith Harrison

I have been thinking over which artist I wanted to add to my International Top 10 for a few days now.  Then today I was included in a conversation that helped make up my mind.  The discussion was about the intentional  breaking of a work by Ai Weiwei , whom I featured in my last …

International top Ten: Ai Weiwei

One of the parameters of this semesters assignment is that I may only choose two artists from any single country.  For the most part this is no problem.  There are many great artists in the world and looking for inspiration is a wonderful opportunity for growth.  In the case of China though this is a …

International Top 10: Alexandria Engelfriet

The second artist in my personal international top 10 is Alexandra Engelfriet.  I have a very strong personal connection to the work of this artist that relates to the way I discovered her.  Almost two years ago I divorced a man who was not only marriage partner but a ceramist and a collaborator.  The first …

International Top 10: Monika Patuszynska

This semester my MFA program is focused on internationalism.  One of the projects we are working on is selecting a top 10 category based on our interests and then discovering the artists to fill that number.  My personal top 10 centers around artists working with narrative in their work, but not only this.  For an …

Beatrice Wood

  “We are here on account of sex, though we do not understand its force.   There is glory when the sexual force is used creatively, when it is open to the magic of the universe” The above quote and photo were taken from Playing Chess with the Heart, a book of photographs by Marlene Wood taken …