Its been a hard year for the blog. Not a single post, not an update or an edit. The project has largely been abandoned. Not for lack of interest but for total lack of direction or vision. i just haven’t known how to get at the work I need to make or the words needed to describe it.

Over the last several months I’ve had it up and even started several drafts but have been unable to think coherently enough about my direction to discuss the nature of the work I have envisioned. So the drafts were deleted and the blog left to its own processes in the dark.

It’s not that I haven’t loved documenting the process of Foxy-Wolff, but the presence of another voice, with editorial power over mine has become a burden. I can’t express myself in this format knowing another person might come and request changes and I might have to comply? No, not here, not with my words. Hooray for collaboration for ever! You better believe I mean it. Asking the ego to yield in the height of its passion makes for better work every time. But here, this is another sketch book, where I can work out my ideas of art and the world we share in real-time. You all might become my collaborators truly, but in a way that won’t make me check myself before I write something too personal or even ugly for the project I am representing.

So here it is, with no fan fare but my own, the relaunch of the blog, my blog. I’ll continue to store all the posts I wrote for Foxy-Wolff because the project is beloved and some of the best work of my life, but I’m ready to move forward with the work that drives me crazy and turns me on. The work I can’t get out of my head, and the stuff I think is just dumb.

I’ll be writing about my own and other collaborative works as well as more critical writing, which I miss a great deal now that I no longer have the academic push to produce. I hope you will read it, I really do.

So then on to what grabbed me by the throat and said TONIGHT? Tonight I finally figure it out? Yea tonight, whateves. A billion thanks to my friend who sent me this documentary one Eva Hesse. I can’t say more than she said her self through letters and art, but damn if I don’t feel charged up. I’m inspired by her work, the life she led, and her dignity in all her dark moments. Please watch it, I think its transformative.

I hope you will follow me, I plan to check out some cool stuff.