Judy Onofrio

This piece titled “Flux” by Judy Onofrio is featured in a review of her work in Ceramics Art and Perception issue 92.  The work is composed of ceramic forms and found objects, primarily bone, that the artist collects and cleans for this purpose.  The assemblages are then unified by paint surfaces that accentuate the feeling …

Inventing the Modern World

Rozenburg Haagsche Plateelbakkerij, The Netherlands (The Hague), 1883-1914. Milk Jug, 1900. Glazed porcelain with enamel. 108 x 40.6 x 33.7 cm. Designmuseum, Danmark, Copenhagen, 793.   One of the best things about the Ceramics Art and Perception assignment this semester is catching up on events in the ceramic community that I missed.  One of these …

The Geometric Style Pottery of Greece

  The reemergence of decorated pottery in the Aegean is a slow refining process of picking up where the Mycenaean  left off after inheriting the great pottery traditions of Crete.  This early Greek style continued to evolve until the mature geometric style emerged. The circles and half circles of the Proto-Geometric style are replaced by …

Janet Mansfield

I was attracted to the article in Ceramics Art and Perception on Janet Mansfield (issue 92) primarily because I admire her contribution to contemporary ceramics.  She has been so very dedicated to the spread and growing acceptance of ceramic art as a respected medium.  Her legacy as a writer and editor and publisher, including the …

Wall-Paper: An Installation by Aurora Hughes Villa

Wall-paper has a pretty bad reputation among contemporary house proud decorators, yet it has so much appeal for artists.  Being passé and completely decorative is just one of the reason to use it for inspiration.  Another wonderful feature is that its broken symmetry and patterning work so well in backgrounds.  Additionally,  wall-paper is loaded with …

Ceramics of Dolni Vestonice

The woman of Dolni Vestonice was discovered in the present day Czech Republic in 1925 at the site known as Dolni Vestonice. The site is located in the Pavlov hills among concentrations of loess with small amounts of clay and sand. It is from this material that the 11.5 cm figurine (Just over 4.5 inches) …

Clay Slab Sculpture

Slabs are the most versatile method for building in clay.  Dropping “slab built clay sculpture” into a search engine brings us a dazzling array of ideas, approaches and techniques.  As a ceramist, I feel somewhat comfortable working with any technique in clay, but I return again and again to slabs because they allow the greatest …

International Top 10: Pamela Mei Yee Leung

Early in the semester I did a lot of research for this project.  Power points, web research and books.  All that research went into a gray covered Moleskine note-book that i have used for my ceramic classes for a couple of semesters.  Today, as I ran out of the last artists that I remembered from …

International Top 10: Monika Patuszynska

This semester my MFA program is focused on internationalism.  One of the projects we are working on is selecting a top 10 category based on our interests and then discovering the artists to fill that number.  My personal top 10 centers around artists working with narrative in their work, but not only this.  For an …

Beatrice Wood

  “We are here on account of sex, though we do not understand its force.   There is glory when the sexual force is used creatively, when it is open to the magic of the universe” The above quote and photo were taken from Playing Chess with the Heart, a book of photographs by Marlene Wood taken …